Quote: A Job You Love

Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

I was about to graduate from grade school when I saw a simple advertisement dedicated to the graduates. I will never forget this particular quote which made me wonder about not just the kind of job, but the kind of life I want for my self.

I’ve been writing since I was a small girl and I just want to keep on doing it. It would be nice to finally live a life that’s worth something to me. It would be great to find a job that would allow me to be me. It would be nice and easy to do something you know you’re good at and have the freedom to just let yourself be you. I hope parents would allow their children to find themselves in the career they find interest in, and not just for the sake for pleasing them.

It would be nice to get up everyday excited to do things you love the most.
Find your passion and pursue it.

For Those Who Teach

I believe that everything that hapens in this world happens at the time God chooses. It is not an accident that we are here. It is not a mere coincidence that a particular student who was born at a different place and time have the ears ready to listen to people like us.  I believe that there is a pre-ordained reason behind every movement on earth. Who we are and what we have learned through the years can help change another person’s life. It would be amazing to think that our voices reached their ears and touched their hearts. I believe they will remember their class forever. Hence, let’s give them life-changing lessons that are worth remembering.

People: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When people are pressed down by injustice and stripped-off their selfhood, they may plunge down the grave, but faith and hope which are heaven sent will resurrect their lives and make them climb up from the pit of despair and inequality. The hope they breathe flowing with the breeze in the morning while waiting for the new sunrise will help them gather courage which is found in every heart determined to face and fight not just for oneself, but for everyone who has the right to be treated as equal, not just flesh and blood, but as human — with soul, body and spirit.

Sir Martin was the embodiment of greatness found in every soul, converged into a person with deep convictions who is willing to fight not with violence but with a noble and valiant heart prepared to sacrifice one’s life for the redemption of everyone. Truly, his moving speech entered the lives, not just of those who were present in that fateful day, but dwelled in the minds of those who heard his words carrying the spear and fire of wisdom. I believe God did not plan such violence and oppression against his highest creation, that is why He would send people of higher calling to subdue this shockingly dreadful cruelty. His time here on Earth was not wasted. The words flowing from his heart became alive and gave stronger revelation rooted with passion and love for freedom and equality. The message was not just for the people in North America, but it represents every person who is under such disparity.

He lived by faith and not by sight. His heart was looking directly at the future, when his children will no longer be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. He may not live to see the fulfillment of his prophetic dream, but his children did and so his grandchildren and great-grandchildren and that is — his life’s purpose… undoubtedly completed and remarkably divine. His life was a blessing to history. The life of Dr. King carries the fragrant atmosphere of freedom, that when people start dreaming, indeed, it will come to fruition. It may not happen in our time, but trust that in God’s time it will.

Movie: Facing the Giants (2006)

I seldom have the time to watch movies these days. But there is this one extraordinary film what would speak to my heart whenever I need comforting words to pacify my soul.
In the movie Facing the Giants, one special character would utter the words every believer needs to hear. At the edge of her hope to conceive a child, she then again failed. It seemed as if she was at rock bottom when she softly said the words “I’d still love you, Lord.” Amazing.

This is the kind of God we serve. His love through Jesus Christ penetrated the hearts of the redeemed, that even in the midst of dark valleys and haunting shadows, God’s love would shine and bring darkness into light. His love is always pure… hence, the beloved is rest assured that His presence is more than enough for her to sing songs of love to her Almighty… whatever life brings.

When Everything Is Meaningless

Knowing great people and recognizing how astonishing their lives have been encourage me to understand life further. In that way, I may deserve the word professional, or an MBA graduate. But let us still remember the essence of King Solomon’s famous words of wisdom… truly everything is meaningless. I may obtain tons of degrees, I might even get a doctoral course like my mentors, or be one of the greatest businessmen in Philippine history… but those are just titles embellished with beautiful frames. Those do not fully define who we really are. Achieving a Nobel Prize is just a bonus, we should always be reminded to look beyond the most-desired award, and that is a better spirit which sprang in us because of the decades of hard work and devotion, accompanied with the shedding of blood through our hearts, lessons learned from failing now and falling again, rising from life’s hurdles, how lost one can become, and most importantly how we found the road home — is the achievement and victory in itself, grand in its simplest form and still undoubtedly immeasurable.

Movie: A Beautiful Mind (2001)

When I think about my life… how I began, my today and how tomorrow will unfold, I remember the words of Mr. John Nash in the movie… “I’m terrified, mortified, petrified…stupefied by you.”

A Beautiful Mind (2001 Film)

MR. NASH. Certainly, there were days when I try to study and see what will become of me. I’m facing a lot of challenges, my relationships with the people around me, my career, my flight in the graduate school, my church and what I really want to happen in this short time…my passion, I sometimes get scared. Because for a fact, no one really knows. But Mr. Nash lived his life, walked freely around the campus and even wrote calculations on the windows of Princeton, based on his perception on how to live. He did, not what he needed to accomplish but what he really wants. And that is to solve mathematical problems – the mystery of numerical equations. He believes in it. And was not afraid of it. He had the courage to dig deep within the unknown. He faced life and all of its imperfections because that is the only way he knows how. He has faith in his God-given talent that he can. He knows what his purpose is, and that’s exactly what he did. He has the freedom and courage to dare the world to listen to him. And I want that in me. Now that I am trying to complete my graduate degree, his life inspired me to give all that I am for what I have chosen. To continue and never give up. Not be frightened. And allow the valor living inside us surface as we venture the undefined horizons. Once in a while we all live and die, but in this life all we can do is to die and live again.


GRADUATE SCHOOL. As an MBA student, his story made me value education more. I became utterly grateful of the fact that I am educated and have a chance to broaden my horizons by entering this course. In addition, John’s contribution to his country inspire me to help, through the best of my abilities whatever there is I can offer for the betterment of our nation. I want to use the knowledge I gained from years spent in this institution, not just for my own advantage, but as well as for the common good. And even if I may not be as intellectual as him nor any of his colleagues in Princeton, I believe I can do my share to help establish a better and stronger republic through educating others. This is one of the reasons I applied for graduate studies. To be an educator like most of the people I admire. Help the next generation of eager minds understand that we still have a chance to lift up the economy, low as it may seem, by first embedding good values to their fresh mindsets. As well as emphasize the weight of staying within the borders of our beloved country rather than eloping for better, greener pastures.


NASH’S DORMITORY. Some may think I am opposing the reality and vying the impossible, but if John Nash showed that when we do believe in something, together with the faith we hold in our souls… we can make things happen. Mr. Nash did not let himself be confined within the very corners of his dormitory, nor the pessimistic impressions of his friends and superiors. But he tried, even pushed himself to the limits to make something greater out of him.

He influenced me to be professional, in every aspect of the word, to work with my fellow classmates and associates. Grant them the respect they deserve. Value their uniqueness, perceptions and judgments. His life taught me to aim for something more remarkable than the usual, which is not just for my sole benefit but for those around me as well.


NASH’S WIFE. Mr. John Nash’s life was not easy like the rest of those who breathe. He studied, worked, was hurt and felt betrayed by his own exquisite mind. But he continued. And his will to survive against all the odds which emerged before him was worth all the pain he needed to endure. And it speaks to me. That no matter who you are, how wealthy one may become or how many diplomas one may obtain in his lifetime, it boils down to one fact – we are not perfect. And we cannot stand alone. And for Mr. John Nash, he needed the unconditional love and compassion of his wife. It reminded me of the people who had, are and have always supported me. My family. Like Mr. Nash, his wife held on to him during the most difficult scenes in his life. Her words saying, “ …but when I look at him and I force myself to see the man I married and he becomes that man. He is transformed in this man that I love and I’m transformed into someone who loves him”, inspired me to love my family, above all things which exist, because I know they are and will always be my home, my refuge and my strength. I also believe that the role played by his wife was one of the greatest reasons how he was able to get back on track. She had a very profound and exceptional part in his struggles and I believe that was the most important miracle in his life. Again, her courage helps me understand more the depth of the words “unconditional love”. She truly is the one behind the success of John Nash.


Poem: The Shade of Tree

Like this 

shade of tree, I would

like to be there whenever you

feel weary. When you feel like getting out

of the things that complicate your life. Like the

tree, I’ll be standing there and wait for you until you need my

shade again. I’ll stand still for you whenever you need something 

to hold on to. I’ll hold you with my branches whenever you feel down and

low, and offer you my fruits that would take away your hunger. 

I’ll try to listen to every story that you want to share… how your 

dreams were shattered.. and how the pain intrudes your soul. 

I’ll embrace you, to take away the blemishes in your heart.

My leaves will wipe away all the tears that you

feel inside. I’ll try to stand right by your 

side until the hurt fades away.

And when your

wounds start to

heal and can

stand on you

own, I’ll help 

you to find your

way again. I know

you will go and 

leave me behind 

to start another life.

But I’ll stand still and wait 

for you until you        need my shade again.


by: LeiWrites

Poem: Night Shift

I dream of life as simple as the clouds traveling through air.
I dream of you flying with me up there.
I dream of a life less complicated than this,
where there’s no form of wealth which breeds death
that separates one world from the other.
I close my eyes and dream of love which knows no death.
It will stay beautiful with every countenance of its goodness.
I dream of life that is alive.
Yet, sometimes…
I wish of a life of silence.
Where all I can hear is the dancing of leaves when autumn rains…
And the movement of wind which slithers through my face.
I wish that there is no gravity to pull me back to earth,
So I can ascend and dance to the faraway heavens.
I dream I can always be up in the sky when the sun decides to set in.
And calmly lie on the violet and orange mist that surrounds me.
How I wish it will be my hiding place, whenever I need to find my strength again.
Where I can reclaim my sanity and know the reason why I would want to endure breathing.
I see my life living beyond time in paradise.
I see the golden streets and the silver trees.
I see the Origin of Existence unravel in front of me.
I see my spirit finally fulfilling the dream I had before forever.
I know someday it will begin at the end of it all.

Quote: Motivation

Motivation is a battle for the heart, not just an appeal to the mind. Passion is always an expression of the soul. Patrick Dixon, Building a Better Business (2005), p. 159

Lately, I have realized that the greatest thing that can motivate a person is not your personal dreams but dreams that could change the world. I may have been laid back, but something shook my soul and awaken me.

I used to pass by a funeral place along the highway on my way to school. The facade of the building says:

I pray that your loneliness will lead you to find something to live for, great enough to die for.

Purpose is the original intention of the One who made us.  The Maker already knew what roles we are to play in the wide and complicated universe. We are made for something great. I pray that all of us will find and capture our original assignment on earth and live a life of purpose.



Book: Traveling Light by Max Lucado

My boss lent me the book Traveling Light by Max Lucado. There was this one particular page which struck me the most. It talks about the best career one could possibly have.

      “According to Russ Blowers, we are. He is a minister in Indianapolis. Knowing he would be asked about his profession at a Rotary Club meeting, he resolved to say more than “I’m a preacher.”

Instead he explained, “Hi, I’m Russ Blowers, I’m with a global enterprise. We have branches in every country in the world. We have representatives in  nearly every parliament and boardroom on earth. We’re into motivation and behavior alteration. We run hospitals, feeding stations, crisis-pregnancy centers, universities, publishing houses, and nursing homes. We care for our clients from birth to death. We are into life insurance and fire insurance. We perform spiritual heart transplants. Our original Organizer owns all the real estate on earth plus an assortment of galaxies and constellations. He knows every thing and lives everywhere. Our product is free for the asking.   (There’s not enough money to buy it.) Our CEO was born in a hick ton, worked as a carpenter, didn’t own a home, was misunderstood by his family and hated by his enemies, walked on water, was condemned to death without a trial, and arose from the dead. I talk with him everyday.”

 (p.33 of Traveling Light by Max Lucado, Chapter 4: The Prison of Want)

Working for the company of Jesus Christ is the best career anyone can possibly achieve. He is the best employer and CEO. From being a carpenter, He built an long lasting company that surpassed centuries. I used to be a customer but now, a distributor as well. I believe in the vision He has for all his people. Truly He came to our lives, employed us even though our credentials fall short of His standards, and gives us pays, benefits and bonuses beyond what we have worked for, asked, imagined or even we deserved.