Loving you is rest

Loving you is like breathing fresh air in the middle of the green fields while the light shines silently as my day begins, it’s new every morning. Loving you is walking on solid ground, strong, steadfast and unchangeable. Loving you is easy and light and not burdensome. Loving you is like a gift, unexpected but freely given. Loving you is courage, teaching me to jump off a cliff and dare to feel alive and live. Loving you is finding comfort amidst this confounding universe, there is stillness in the sound of your voice. Loving you is discovering the deepest depths of the ocean, unraveling the beauty in the mystery of your soul. Loving you is seeing my Maker through your eyes, loving me through your heart. Loving you is finally coming home, finding everlasting rest in the arms of my beloved, dwelling safely in the shelter of my one and only Lover, Loving the peace, that surpasses all reasons, I can only find in your embrace… Indeed, loving you is finding rest. Loving you is rest.

Watched StepMom Last Night

I was sick since last week. I don’t know what’s wrong with myself lately. Actually… I do know. We know things that bother us… we just don’t want to blurt it out. Sometimes, scared of the fact to confirm our depression or frustration. We don’t utter things because it becomes confirmed and real.

I am okay now. Anyway, going back to the subject matter. I saw StepMom last night. I can’t remember if it was my 2oth or what, but I like the movie. It has depth. I feel for the mom who got cancer. It’s never easy to leave your children. I don’t have children, yet. I understand how she feels knowing she’ll be leaving the people dear to her. She would want to be there for them when they go to high school and choose their major in college. But she won’t. My mom was at the couch sleeping amidst the thunderstorm last night. I was looking at her. I thank God she is still there. I’ll be 30 in 2 months. I thank God for my mom and dad. Through the days I was at home, I felt I am still their youngest girl. They were taking care of me. My dad even brought Piknik the other day. He knows how much I love the snack. I know I’m not that young anymore, but I feel I am in the comforts of our home.

I’ve been going through a lot of ponderings these past few days. I’ve been trying to be okay in my green room, and waiting on God to finally send a word to lift my hopes up again. Then, I realized that my parents have always been there for me. Sure, we disagree over a lot of things. My decisions, my career, but I will always be their little girl.  They will always be my mom and dad.

I will get married and have my own little home.  It’s good to know I belong to a great home. A complete set of parents, a happy, home that I will carry in my heart as I pass the lessons learned to my future babies. Actually, I never thought I wanted to have a family… until this year. So, let’s just wait and see. I know what I want now. I want to pass the heart my parents gave us to my future kids and give them the same love my parents taught us.

Thank you, Father for my parents.

Quite Some Time

I haven’t written any thing for quite some time. I was busy doing other things, but writing has always been haunting me. 🙂

I don’t know why I try to avoid expressing my thoughts into words even if I’ve proven it through the years that it helps me relieve stress. Writing is therapeutic.

Becoming Jane

I saw this movie last year around Christmas.  It was a sad story.  Jane the author of well-received novels lived a melancholy life… at least, that’s how I see it.

She gave up on her beloved. She did not believe in the ability of the man to succeed. Her vision of Tom was jaded of the fear of the unknown. Perhaps, we need to see beyond circumstances. If she believed in the man that he is, and supported his dreams, it would be a different ending. What Tom needed that time was someone who would believe he can. She did not.

Wouldn’t it be great to know someone believes in us?

Prayer for the Kids

Father God in Heaven, I pray for my nephews. I pray for Nico and Nathan. I ask you Father to guide them and protect them. In the Name of Jesus I ask you oh Lord to always keep them safe. Guide them in everything. I pray that the fear of the Lord increase in their hearts. Let them be good boys and God-fearing children. I pray that you give them knowledge and wisdom and understanding. Mold them into your likeness and being. I pray that at a very young age, they will come to seek and know you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray that you will meet with them. I pray that at a young age, both of them will have a life-changing encounter with you. Nothing is impossible to you Father God. I exalt you for you are worthy of all praise and honor. Cover them with the blood of Jesus Christ. I pray that you give them wisdom and knowledge which is above and beyon. I pray that you set them apart and purify their hearts as you have set Samuel apart as a prophet to the nations. Let them serve you in everyway possible. I pray that your perfect will be done in their lives on earth as it is in heaven. Keep them safe and let them find true love in your Son, Jesus Christ.

Quote: Happiness

In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself. –Unknown

We find value in our lives when we help other people achieve their hopes and dreams. It is selfless, at times difficult but worth the laying down of time and energy just to push them up… with that we find the purpose of our existence. We live not just for ourselves, we live to impact the world. We are living now because this generation is waiting for our gifts to them.


People make decisions everyday. Some are simple and some affect their future. Some are easy while some decisions are quite difficult to analyze. But one thing helps me choose and decide. I put this in mind…

I don’t want to live all my life, wondering what could have been if only I gave this one a chance.”

Now, I believe it’s better to try and jump off that cliff… let yourself fall and feel alive.